How do I set up a mailbox using POP3 on my device or mail client?

Our standard and premium mailboxes can be loaded onto your device or through your mail client either with a POP3 connection or an IMAP connection.

We recommend using IMAP for mail client connections, this allows multiple devices to read the same mailboxes. Unless specified, POP3 will erase emails from the mail server and only retain copies on your device.

By using a POP3 connection, you will be using one of the most common ways to connect mailboxes to systems, and you will be able to have your email on your phone, your tablet, your alternate web mail system, or your computer.

The way your device or mail client is designed may be different than how other programs or devices work, with different names for the same steps.

Your device or programs should have detailed information on how to add and set up mailboxes onto the system, but there are general pieces of information you need to complete the process.

When selecting the account type, select POP3.

Your User Name is your full email address.
Your Password is your mailbox password.

User Name:
Password: password123

Outgoing Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server Port: 587
Outgoing Mail Server SSL: STARTTLS
Outgoing Authentication Type: Password

Your mail server can be set to or ( mailXX being the server your package is assigned too (this can be found in your control panel).

Incoming POP3 Server:
Incoming POP3 Server Port: 995
Incoming POP3 SSL: SSL/TLS
Incoming POP3 Authentication Type: Password

Please note that if you intend to log into this mailbox on different devices, IMAP should be used instead on each device. This allows for better synchronisation across different devices.

Article ID: 253
Created On: Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:47 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 3:48 PM

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