Why does my domain appear in WHOIS as "Renewal In Progress"?

If you perform a WHOIS check on your .uk domain name and discover that it is listed as “Renewal in progress”, you do not need to worry.

For all .uk domain names, when a customer purchases a domain renewal, Nominet processes that renewal and sends a message to WHOIS informing them that it is in progress.

This is an automatic process, and may take a few days.  During this period, you will not lose access to your domain or your website, and the renewal will occur as normal.

Article ID: 644
Created On: Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 10:39 AM
Last Updated On: Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 12:10 PM

Online URL: https://www.heartinternet.uk/support/article/why-does-my-domain-appear-in-whois-as-renewal-in-progress.html