15 must-read articles to get the most from your email campaigns | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Email marketing is great – it can help you connect with your customers and that can help you boost sales. But email marketing is also hard. There’s a lot to think about, and there’s always bound to be something you can do better. That’s why we’ve put together 15 of the best email marketing articles out there. They’re certain to give you something to think about, and hopefully they should also help you improve your email marketing.


The small business guide to email marketing

Get started with this step-by-step guide to understanding email marketing. It includes a plethora of resources from setting objectives and choosing a provider to which metrics to track to see how well your campaign is performing.

The 16 most important email marketing KPIs for your business

It’s not just about creating an awesome email campaign, but also about measuring the results it produces. Find out which KPIs (key performance indicators) for email marketing you should be measuring so you can improve your campaigns.

The science of social timing part 2: Timing and email marketing

When exactly is it better to send your email campaigns? Find out how timing can impact your email marketing and when to send your emails to achieve the highest open rate.

How to use email to alienate your users

This is an excellent post on spam and advice on how to win readers over, instead of alienating them, with your email marketing tactics.

10 examples of brilliant email marketing (and why they’re so great)

Need some inspiration on how an effective email marketing campaign should look? Check out this post for some great examples, and get the lowdown on what makes them great.

3 quick ways to perk up your email marketing efforts

This post shares three quick and simple ways to improve your email marketing. Read it to learn how to create and send out great content, gain the trust of your subscribers and grow your email list.

How images affect your email marketing success

The design of your emails and the images you use can make or break a campaign. This post talks about the impact of images on conversions with tips on how to use images to boost click-through rates from your emails.

152 killer keywords for email subject lines (and 137 crappy ones)

If you’ve ever run an email campaign, you probably already know the strong effect that word choice in email subject lines has on response rates. This post shares the findings of a cool experiment where 287 keywords were tested across 2.2bn emails to see which ones are more powerful.

How to raise your email above inbox noise

A fantastic guide on how to overcome some common problems with email campaigns, plus tips on how to give your email more personality and make sure people are eager to read it.

How to write email to get a better response rate

Want to email influencers and bloggers to ask them for a link or some other favour? Then you need to give this post a chance as it’ll show you how to write lots of excellent emails and get a high rate of response from whomever you email.

37 tips for writing emails that get opened, read, and clicked

Lots of great tips in this blog post on how to create emails that your readers are eagerly waiting to receive, how to write to engage and how to write to sell.

The 2014 UK email marketing benchmark report

A useful report for small-to-medium size businesses in the UK where you can find meaningful data on open, click-to-open, unsubscribe rates and other insightful email marketing data.

Achieving engagement with email marketing

Achieving engagement with email marketing is one of the biggest challenges facing marketing. This post walks you through three excellent steps to getting readers to engage with your email, from writing a great subject line to highlighting key points you want to get across, and more.

Ten ways to improve your email open rates

Check out these ten tips on how to get more people to open your emails. These include building a list for a target group, using technology to engage readers and sending regular emails.

Three ways most marketers screw up email subject line split tests

Are you sure you’re not messing up your email subject line split tests? Read this post to learn what subject lines to test based on what drives your audience to respond to your messaging.

This post is part of our series on how to improve your email marketing campaigns. You may also be interested in Crafting the perfect subject line, Why data is dangerous, and A beginner’s guide to A/B testing.


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