Back up your website & database | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Backing up your website is a lot like buying insurance, you know you should but it’s one of those things you put off because nothing has happened yet which surely means you don’t need it. But on one of those rare times when your site has a critical failure and loses some or all of your data, you’ll soon wish you had!

Shared and reseller hosting

Backing up your website is really quick and easy and completely free through your eXtend control panel. To make sure you always have the latest version of your site we strongly recommend you back up your website using this facility whenever you make a change to your website.

Backing up your website files:

– Log in to your eXtend control panel

– In ‘files’ click on ‘backup/ restore

– Follow the on screen instructions

Backing up your database

As with our web files back up service through eXtend, you can also back up your MySQL databases in eXtend with just one click!

– Log in to your eXtend control panel

– In ‘Web tools’ click on ‘MySQL Databases

– In ‘Manage MySQL Databases’ choose which databases you want to back up and click ‘Now’

You can also download and store a local copy of your database through phpMyAdmin using the ‘Export’ function.

Backing up your website and databases literally takes a couple of clicks of the mouse and can save a lot of pain and heartache down the line! Why not setup a reminder on your phone or in Outlook so you don’t forget to run a backup.

Dedicated servers

Dedicated servers are a completely different beast to shared hosting, offering much more freedom and capabilities, however, there also comes a greater emphasis on personal responsibility with the software being run on your dedicated server. Essentially, we provide the hardware and connectivity and what you then do with it is your choice.

In the same way we offer cPanel as a paid extra to administer your server (which also comes with a back up function), we offer back up services for dedicated servers for only £10 a month for 10GB space or £50 a month for 100GB space which is peanuts in the grand scheme of things. To order the backup service simply go the ‘add-ons’ area in your customer control panel

Whether you choose to go with one of our backup solutions or you choose your own, we strongly recommend you back up your website whenever you make a change to it.



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