Essential guide to website cyber security | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Gain key insights into safeguarding your website from cyber security threats with our free downloadable guide. Check it out below…

Website security. From web developers, designers, businesses to government, everybody is talking about it. When it comes to cyber security though, how do you actually stop attacks before they happen?

This is a good question, particularly given that the web isn’t a safe place. There’s a cyber attack every 39 seconds and 65% of these attacks are aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. Website security is one of the most important aspects of doing business online, but for many, it’s an issue that isn’t thought about until it’s too late.

Your free website security guide walks you through:

  1. Cyber crime threats to be wary of
  2. How to stop cyber criminals hacking your website
  3. How to evict cyber criminals from your website
  4. How to make your business disaster-proof
  5. Website cyber security terminology

How to Defend Your Business Against A Hack Attack – download your free copy here.

Why should I care about cyber crime?

The worrying fact is that, 60% of small to medium businesses hit by a cyber security attack, simply never recover. So, the future of your entire business could depend on your web security.

£4.6 trillion a year is how much cyber attacks will cost business, worldwide, by 2021! When it comes to website security, prevention is always cheaper than the cure.

After all, the results of cyber crime on a business can include:

  • Compromised data: Hackers can capture your customers’ personal and financial information.
  • Damaged reputation: You can be blamed for not taking enough preventative steps and customers will lose faith in your business.
  • Financial repercussions: The damage caused by a cyber attack cuts both ways – it impacts on the customer and there are the longer-term repercussions for your business – which can include GDPR penalties and lawsuits.

So what would an example of a cyber attack actually look like? Hackers are endlessly inventive when it comes to finding ways to breach your website security. So it’s not just your site you need to be concerned about. Also consider vulnerabilities in:

  • Your supply chain: Might your suppliers be the weak link in your security chain?
  • Internet of Things: From virtual assistants to digital locks and smart meters – are all of your IoT devices secure?
  • Your data pool: Make sure that you control access to your systems, otherwise your data pool could be leaking.
  • Your printers: Your multifunction printers could be printing an invite to hackers.

Don’t be a victim, be vigilant

Safeguarding your website means being proactive, rather than reactive. Knowledge is always power. So fuel yours with our user-friendly guidebook.

Learn how to implement simple protection protocols throughout your workflow, and gain pro tips on ways to check your website safety, including:

  • Protecting your passwords
  • Securing URLs
  • Maintaining backups
  • Creating a business continuity plan

Download your free copy here.

Cyber security powered by Sucuri

If you’re busy running your business, finding time to safeguard your website can be tricky. And, given that evicting hackers is so critical, having backup from web security specialists can be pretty reassuring.

That’s what we do at Heart Internet. Powered by Sucuri, we provide a line of defence to protect your digital presence. Sucuri has devoted years to helping website administrators identify and clean hacked websites. Working together with the experts at Sucuri, we at Heart Internet can help you clean malware from your website.

Visit to find out more about website security.


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