Introducing our new responsive eXtend Control Panel theme | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

We’re proud to announce that there’s a new eXtend Control Panel theme available for our Resellers.

Designed in-house by our Designer Tom Robinson, this new theme is built to be clean, fresh, and modern.

A screenshot of the new eXtend Control Panel theme

A responsive design

You might notice that this theme goes full-width, rather than being trapped in a 912px box. And when you reduce the browser window, the panels move to match, meaning that your control panel is easy to use on your phone or tablet.

A screenshot of the new eXtend Control Panel theme as seen on a Samsung S5

Clearer icons

It’s a little thing, but a nice icon can make all the difference when looking at a control panel. Tom redesigned all the icons as well, making the best use of the space available while also making them clear and easy to understand.

A screenshot of two of the icon panels on the new eXtend Control Panel theme

FTP lock and unlock

When you’re in the middle of building a site, you can forget whether or not you’ve unlocked FTP. You can spend minutes trying to figure out why FTP isn’t working, only to notice that you forgot to hit that one button.

A screenshot of the FTP Locked section of the new eXtend Control Panel theme

It’s now much easier to read, easier to unlock, and provides you with all the information you need.

A screenshot of the Unlocked FTP section on the new eXtend Control Panel theme

How do I get this new theme?

This theme is available for our Resellers to use on their customers’ eXtend Control Panels. It currently works if you haven’t set up a separate domain for your customers’ control panels – it will have to be

To access it:

  1. Log into your Heart Internet Reseller Control Centre
  2. Scroll down to eXtend Themes in Reseller Preferences
  3. Select the theme from the list
  4. Click Apply Brand
  5. The theme will now appear for your customers

Screenshot of the Manage Control Panel Brands page in the Reseller Control Centre

If you have any custom HTML or CSS, it will be applied to the new theme, so please test how the theme looks before applying it for your customers.

If you don’t mind clearing out your custom edits:

  1. Click Advanced Settings
  2. Click Clear under Upload HTML Template and Upload CSS File and Preview
  3. Click Apply Brand

This will remove your custom edits.

How do I customise the theme?

And if you want to customise the theme, you can easily do so.

There are a range of coloured banners you can apply to the top of the page.

Screenshot of some of the colours available for the new eXtend Control Panel theme

And you can also upload your own image.

Screenshot of an example eXtend Control Panel with a different background image

You can also edit the HTML template and CSS in Advanced Settings.

For example, if you’ve uploaded a banner image and want just a bit of drop shadow on the title:

Screenshot of the CSS customisation section of the Manage Control Panel Brands page

  1. Click Advanced Settings
  2. Click Customise Ready to-go Brand under Upload CSS File and Preview
  3. Scroll down to #header-block
  4. Right underneath the CSS for #header-block, add:
    #header-block p (
    text-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #000000;
  5. Click Apply Brand
  6. You now have a drop shadow on the title and site name

Screenshot of an example eXtend Control Panel with custom CSS included

Do you have any feedback?

We hope you like this new theme. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment below or use our Reseller Feedback Form.


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