Fresh ideas for your company blog | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Most companies don’t update their blogs very often, and writing more than a couple of blog entries per month is a commitment, particularly if you have lots of other tasks and little time to come up with ideas. Scheduling posts in advance, delegating and inviting guest posters to your blog can help take some of the pressure off, but inspiration isn’t as easy…which is where this list comes in.

You’ll notice that many of the ideas below involve some kind of preparation before you can get writing. Forward planning is the single most helpful way to organise your time for blogging, and ideally you should be in the position where you have posts and resources on hand for future use. Mixing shorter blog posts with longer, more intensive pieces can also help make your blog manageable for you but still useful for your visitors.


A tutorial from

Use cross-promotions

Start a series


A screenshot of our Free Photoshop Brushes – 37 terrific links post

Go through your archives

Get inspiration from subpages

Poll It

A screenshot from OK Cupid’s blog

Q&A Blogging


Video blogging

A YouTube video to raise awareness of malaria

Staff interviews

Customer case study

Use your site’s history for inspiration

Heart Internet back in 2006

Get local

Head to Yahoo Answers

Yahoo answers search results

Where do you get inspiration for blog posts? Leave a comment below!



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