New feature added to your eXtend web hosting control | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Next time you log in to your eXtend web hosting control panel you will notice there is brand new icon next to ‘file manager’ called ‘Check Site Permissions’. This new feature has been added to let you bulk check your websites file permissions without having to go through them all manually one by one. It will:

1.    Check that the permissions make any sense at all, e.g. that a directory is accessible or that a script is executable

2.    Check for conditions which would make the web server refuse to run a script for security reasons

3.    Check for permissions which are likely to lead to security problems on your site

Where appropriate, recommendations for change to the existing permission will also be given to make your website more secure. You can then agree to the recommended permissions through this page (or choose to ignore them).

Heart Internet web hosting resellers

If you are a web hosting reseller, your customers who have had ‘File Manager’ enabled as a feature will automatically get access to this in their control panel.



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