Resellers: Knowing your VPS market and customers | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Who buys VPS and why do they need it? This blog post looks at how VPS resellers can identify potential customers, different uses for virtual private servers, and how VPS is positioned in the market.

Where does VPS fit into the hosting market?

VPS sits between shared web hosting and dedicated servers as an option for hosting customers. Virtual servers allow customers to have more control over their site as they can install more powerful software, choose their own operating system, and have access to core functions such as restart and power off. Your customers also benefit from greater flexibility in their specs, and you can determine the RAM, disk space and CPU cores available to your customers.

VPS is also cheaper than a dedicated server solution, which makes it appealing to those on a budget and those who wouldn’t utilise the full power of a dedicated server.

Who buys VPS?

Virtual private servers are popular with web developers, designers, agencies and other web professionals. VPS are also widely adopted by businesses, particularly those who require mail servers or database servers, or run/develop bespoke software and services.

VPS isn’t simply a more powerful version of shared hosting; managing a VPS requires the same technical skills expected of a typical dedicated server customer. For that reason, you should market virtual private servers as a solution for more experienced clients.

Which kinds of sites benefit from VPS?

There are plenty of uses for virtual servers, including:

• Enhanced multi-site hosting

• Gaming servers

• Sandboxes

• Hosting demanding websites/software

• Development platforms

• Hosting large and/or popular websites

• Database servers

• Email servers

• Scalable ecommerce web hosting

• Media streaming

• Data storage

Don’t forget to recommend VPS to any existing customers or potential customers looking to create or transfer in existing sites or data in the list above.

Marketing VPS

We’ve created a range of white-label VPS marketing resources so you can set up VPS pages quickly and easily on your website (our VPS webinar is coming soon):

White Label Marketing

Email Template

Depending on how many customers you have, it may also be worth sending some personalised emails to anyone who’s enquired about VPS in the past. You may also want to read our specific pages about VPS hosting, Windows VPS and Linux VPS.



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