Zombie Hunt: Day 3 | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Zombie Hunt?! Whaaa? If you have no idea what this is because you missed the first two days of the contest, check out the details and awesome prizes, then head to Zombie Hunt: Day 1 and Zombie Hunt: Day 2 before reading the below.

You wake up happy that you’ve survived two zombie encounters. As you look around, suddenly everything seems brighter. The full-on zombie apocalypse is successfully being eradicated, you’re a level 3 Human, and you now have a really handy umbrella. Your PHP memory settings are so close to being sorted you can practically taste victory…strangely, it tastes uncannily like hot sauce.

As you approach the house you spotted yesterday, you subconsciously begin humming ‘Over At The Frankenstein Place’ under your breath…but it doesn’t seem quite appropriate. In fact, the large building looks more like the Big Brother house…what?!

As you muse over this wondering if you’re starting to get delirious, you spot a recognisable figure swaying in the doorway. It appears to be a rather familiar female TV presenter in zombie form. You immediately spring into action and take her down. You’re getting good at this.

Backed by the other Heart Internet customers you came across yesterday, you decide to investigate the house. The Kitten Zombie GPS tracking device is beeping loudly, and from the beautiful 4” Retina display (26 pixels per inch, a pixel density so high your eye can’t distinguish individual pixels), you can tell that this is the last and final source of the undead. You’re almost at the end of your quest.

You make your way down to the basement, but the door is padlocked. You try the handle a few times anyway because you don’t subscribe to Einstein’s Theory of Insanity, but nothing happens. Frustrated, you take a step back to kick it before realising that you can simply unpick the hinges. Mission accomplished, you head into the darkness of the stereotypically creepy basement. It’s much bigger than you think and maze-like to boot. This isn’t going to be a simple task…

Clue: This isn't itIt’s time to find the Final Boss Zombie! Find the hidden zombie that has broken free somewhere on heartinternet.uk – once you’ve tracked it down, click it to enter battle.


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