Blog sneeze: The lists | Heart Internet Blog – Focusing on all aspects of the web

Earlier in the year we ran a short series of ‘blog sneezes’ summarising our interviews, the online marketing posts, and posts covering web design. In this post we are going to look back at our ‘list’ blog posts where we shared our favourite links and resources covering a variety of topics. Lists and top X’s resource style blog posts are the bed rock of many blogs content and the source of their popularity (just ask and they have proven very popular on our blog too.

We got the ball rolling in April with a large “Top 40 list of lists” (very post modern) show casing other blogs lists covering Scripting, Web design, Freelancing, Web copy & blogging, Social media, Online marketing, Software/ programs, Analytics, optimisation & usability.

In June Ricky wrote one of the year’s most read blog posts about 5 great open source graphic and web design software alternatives (which introduced me to GIMP).

In July one of my favourite subjects SEPPC advertising had its turn and I wrote my top 45 PPC tips to help new and established PPC advertisers improve their campaigns.

WordPress became even more popular in 2009 and we listed our top 25 WordPress plug-ins to add to your blog. This proved to be so well received we went back and listed another top 10 great WordPress plug-ins.

Following these WordPress posts, Guest blogger Russell English wrote his top 10 Joomla extensions you can’t live without.

After a break from lists in the autumn we came back in November with our top 7 websites to teach yourself SEO and another WordPress list, this time focusing on 7 fantastic social media plug-ins.

Inspired by our new iPhone web hosting control panel we also listed 9 great iPhone apps to manage your website on the go.

I love lists so if you have come across any this year you’d like to share leave  a comment below with a links for us to take a look at.


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